Team Fortress 2: Ultimate Edition


Look, this is being published as a creepypasta, but it actually happened. This has NOT been reduced in gore, and what I say the game did to the real world it did do. I do not include my name so the creature doesn't know which of its victims uploaded this. Just call me Joe. All can I say for people who don't believe is. Enjoy.

How it started

I am a HUGE fan of Team Fortress 2 and bought the game on release after playing the beta non-stop whenever I had internet access (my internet was EXTREMELY on-and-off pre 2008). I even upgraded my internet package after I was fed up of being disconnected 30 minutes into a game. But about six months after the mac update, I was engaged in chat with what appeared to be a Valve employee. He/she told me to go to and downloaded the file. I did what they said and the file was called '032 (09/09/91).dll' I was then asked to put that in C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\tenfoot\config\httpcache\32. I asked why and in the chat they said it was my loyalty gift. I then did as they said. I was then asked to type 03209091991 into the store search. I did and the only result was Loyalty Gift 68. I clicked on it and instead of an option to download the game there was the option to 'Apply to Account'. I received my next instruction, NOW DO IT. I clicked the button and TF2 ran. Then things started getting weird.

What happened

The game started. Then it happened. A picture flashed on the screen for a split second, then it flashed again, and again, and again until a message appeared stating the upgrade was complete and I would be thrown into the intro level. I had no idea what this meant, until I saw the logo. It had blood splattered on the symbol and the golden text read, TEAM FORTRESS 2: ULTIMATE EDITION. The buttons to play and see the Mann Co. store were covered with guts and mangled limbs. After ten seconds on this twisted and gory menu, I was thrown into a game on a map called WELCOME TO HELL. It appeared to be Mann Mannor in a hellish environment with lava pools dotted here and there. There were mangled corpses on the floor and a tall thin figure outside the fence. As I got closer to the house there were frequent screams and snapping and crunching noises which got louder as I neared the house. I tried to leave the map but an error appeared saying 'There is no escape from here'. I then saw a painting on the floor, it was my house. I could tell by the creepers on the walls and the bus stop in front of the house. But my neighbor's house was on fire. As soon as I looked away from the painting the camera just turned back. I saw a date on the picture now, it was dated about two years before the day of these events. The date shown my neighbor's house was on fire. They had third degree burns from that fire. Then the camera moved again, this time the picture was dated the day it happened, it was a shot of the living room window of the house across the road from me. My character automatically shot at the center of the window. SMASH! I looked outside to see the window had shattered in real life. The game kept going. This time the painting was of a portal. Like the nether portal from Minecraft if you will. The game made the character go through the painting and now was warped to a photo-realistic view of my street. I looked out the window and there it was, a blue creature with eight eyes and golden horns. It was completely out of proportion, its had double the size of its skinny and bony torso. It was on all fours and looked up at me with those crimson eyes. It let out a scream and jumped at the window, missing by millimeters. I ran for my shotgun and loaded it. The monster jumped again but this time it landed the jump. I opened fire on it and after going through half my ammo killed it. Its body disintegrated almost instantly causing a shadow to appear ingame and a YOU WIN screen appeared. I thought the nightmare was over until last month something happened...


The recent event was numerous attempts by 'Valve Employees' to give me a loyalty reward. TF2 appears to be normal except the logo won't change back. Upon further inspection of the files I downloaded I realized they contained my DoB 9th of September '91. Freaky eh? But I am recovering from the incident and started a Wiki on the events so victims can see how to prevent it from happening again. I leave you with one warning. Don't trust Valve reward schemes.